Great advice: 4 ways to Think like an Innovator

I am working on the draft of part 2 of my series on "Solutioneering" and starting thinking about how cracking the problem, fits into a product managers frameworks and methods.  This in turn lead me to pondering on how to trigger some focused, creative thinking when approaching a customer request for a proposal - how could this fits into an innovation cycle  - how to think out of the box?

I came across a video blog post by Scott Anthony from Innosight,  which outlines a suggestion of 4 things to think about when you are stuck - in essence, how to think like an innovator.
  1. Keep an external focus - this one has particular resonance with "solutioneering" and understanding the customer problem, but more of that in a later post.
  2. Learn from your mistakes
  3. Embrace your inner Edison
  4. Resist the pull of the core.
The blog post is only 2 minutes and 58 seconds - take some time to go and watch it, it will keep you busy, and give me some time to finish up my next post.

[Image from PublicDomainPictures.Net]

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